How to Get Over An Ex-Boyfriend (Get Over Him FAST)

By Amy North
From Devotion System

If you really want to win him over and commit himself to you 100%, go on and check this out right now…

How To Make A Man Obsess Over You

How to Get Over An Ex-Boyfriend (Get Over Him FAST)

How to get over your ex and move on as quickly as possible?

Today is about how to recover from a breakup with the least possible heartache.

Here are little-known tricks for minimizing car take and moving on as quickly as possible after your breakup:

Remove obvious reminders of your ex, photos together, stuffed animals and love notes jewelry etc. Either toss them in the trash or stuff them in a box and put it in storage.

Once you’re fully healed and over your ex, you can open that box and decide what you want to keep, but until then you really don’t need to be constantly reminded of him. This also applies to your ex’s phone number.

If you find yourself tempted to text or call him but you know that’s not something that you should be doing, then deleting its contact details from your phone is an easy solution.

This doesn’t work if you’ve got his number memorized obviously, but it definitely does help if you lack self-control you’re the type to send drunk text when you’re emotional.

You can write down your ex’s number and give it to a friend for safekeeping until you’re fully over him.

Write down a big list of all the things you hated about your ex-boyfriend or all the things he did or said to you over the time together that pissed you off or upset you.

Maybe you had an annoying habit, maybe he unfairly criticized your friends or maybe you absolutely despise the t-shirt you wore all the time.

Doesn’t matter how big or small they are, just write down absolutely everything that you aren’t going to miss about your ex.

Then anytime you’re feeling down and missing your ex, get the list and read it through to remind yourself that he wasn’t perfect and that there are many ways in which you’re better off without him.

 “Closure!” It’s natural for most people to seek out the reasons why their relationship ended.

I’ve noticed this working with my own coaching clients as well, it’s as though people feel like they need to hear some magic words from their ex in order to accept the breakup and move on.

Breakups are emotional, crying is inevitable and it’s okay to lie at home with a box of Kleenex for the first 24-48 hours after your breakup.

But after a day or two of feeling sorry for yourself, that type of thing is no longer acceptable and it’ll start prolonging the heartache instead of healing it.

By the time 48 hours has passed since the break-up you should definitely not be sitting at home alone crying, you should be able to keep eyeing yourself and keeping your mind off your ex.

Do you know what’s the very best resources when it comes to overcoming a breakup? Your friends.

This is one of those times where you can lean on your friends to support you and make sure you’re busy doing but enough fun stuff so there’s no time to think about the break-up.

Do whatever you can to stay busy for the first couple weeks after you break up. I don’t care whether you feel like going out or not, you’re going.

Trust me, this is the best thing you can do to get your mind off your ex-boyfriend.

Make new friends, expand your social circle and try new hobbies or activities that’ll allow you to meet lots of new people.

If you embrace this type of stuff after a tough breakup, it often feels as though you’ve gone through a life transformation that is actually going to leave you better off than if you had stayed with your ex.

Use the opportunity to reset your life, go back to pursuing some of those goals and dreams you’d pushed to the sidelines when you’re a relationship.

Sometimes, taking up new hobbies, meeting new people and chasing life dreams can really put you out of your comfort zone.

It can be scary especially when you’ve become so accustomed to spending every night in your pajamas watching Seinfeld reruns but that’s what you want.

You want to use this opportunity to steer your life in a new, positive direction and that’s always going to be a bit scary at first.

But it’s also going to help you get through this breakup faster and with less heartache, so it’s time to face those fears and just go for it.

I talked about the importance of your friends and helping you get past a relationship, but there’s one particular friendship that is definitely not a good idea at this point.

Stop being friends with your ex, which is just a downright bad idea regardless of how emotional you’re feeling or how cordial your breakup was.

It might be a possibility in the future but please take my word when I say that trying to maintain a friendship with your ex in the first few weeks and months after a breakup is a terrible idea and it will only prolong your sadness and loneliness.

Don’t try to get revenge on your ex, spread rumors about him or do anything else like that.

I don’t care how much of a dick your ex was or how often you treated you like crap, but trying to get back at him or bad-mouthing him and every opportunity won’t make you feel any better in the long run and it probably won’t even be satisfying in the moment either.

Resist the urge to slash the tires on his car, tell the world about his embarrassing secrets etc. That kind of thing ends up reflecting poorly on you, it makes you less attractive to potential future boyfriends and it’s just not a constructive grown-up way to handle a breakup.

If you like what you learned here and wanted to know How To Make A Man Obsess Over You, then please watch the video below:

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