How to Date Online Successfully

By Paul Clooney
From How to Talk to Men

Do You Want A Commitment From Him? Here’s the roadmap to getting his: Discover Exactly How to Talk to Men

How to Date Online Successfully

Are you at a spot where you want to date but have not been able to meet anyone at work or in your community?

Have you thought about the online dating sites but for one reason or another decided not to give it a try? Online dating has grown extremely popular in recent years.

In fact, not only have people met their partners online, but a good many of them have ended up getting married.

I will give you the ins and outs of online dating and valuable tips on how to date online successfully.

Online Dating Is a Wonderful Tool

Online dating is a wonderful tool for those who want to meet new people, but don’t want to travel a lot to meet them.

There are hundreds and hundreds of online dating sites. Some are more popular than others, so it is a good idea to review the top few and see which one or two fit your needs.

Do a Google search on online dating, and the first page will be full of the most popular online dating sites.

Create an Honest Profile

Once you select the dating site that you want to sign up with, create a profile about yourself that is as accurate as possible.

Be completely honest when it comes to describing your personality and traits.

Sometimes people create a profile based on what they think others want to hear and when it comes time to actually meet, the other person is disappointed because the person isn’t who they were expecting.

If you are sassy, don’t say you are meek and mild. If you are meek and mild, don’t come across as assertive or overbearing.

If you don’t like crowds, don’t lead others to believe that you do, or you may end up with dates that take you out to a concert or ball game thinking you will love it.

If you are overweight, don’t write that you have the slender and athletic build and post a picture of you from 10 years earlier.

Be as truthful as you can, as I’m sure you want your potential dates to be truthful as well.

Add Relevant Pictures

If you don’t add pictures, you are likely to miss out on guys that only click on profiles with pictures.

Don’t be afraid to post a few pictures of you with different angles and outfits. If you’ve got it, flaunt it!

Perhaps you already have cute pictures that you can post, but if not, ask a friend to help you out or hire a photographer.

It never hurts to have some superb pictures of yourself around. Show your personality in your pictures and be creative if you can.

It is always nice to show a unique, creative side.

Do You Want A Commitment From Him? Here’s the roadmap to getting his: Discover Exactly How to Talk to Men

Be Careful

Dating sites are usually pretty safe, but be sure that you don’t post personal information for everyone to see.

Never post your address or phone number on your main profile.

If you have been in conversation with a man for awhile, you are free to give him your personal information but only if you feel secure in doing so.

If you are interested in meeting a man that you have met online, don’t be afraid to tell him that you’d like to meet him in a public place such as a restaurant or cafe.

Never meet him at his home or somewhere secluded, and always let a friend or family member know where you are meeting him, his name and any other pertinent information.

You must protect yourself because unfortunately there are some criminals out there who look to meet potential victims online. Keep yourself safe.

Be Creative and Flirtatious

Half the fun of dating is being flirty and creative.

Dull and routine won’t get you very far. Remember, your potential date is probably talking to other women too.

Set yourself apart from others by being mysterious and creative. Ask questions other women won’t dare.

Let him know how romantic you are. Make him feel like he is the best man in the universe, and you want to rock his world. Go for it!

Live and Learn

As you enter the world of online dating, you will learn the ins and outs of it.

You may make a mistake here and there, but you can learn from the mistakes. Don’t stress out too much about dating.

Learn to have fun with it. There is no pressure at all, and you are free to meet who you want and pull out if it is not working for you. That is the beauty of dating in general.

As you embark on your online dating adventure, relax and remember to enjoy the journey as you find your dream date.

Do You Want A Commitment From Him? Here’s the roadmap to getting his: Discover Exactly How to Talk to Men


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