By Amy North
From Text Chemistry
This eye-opening short video shows you a secret kind of text message that every man is dying to read:
Give a Man Shivers with This Text Message
5 Tips To Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Last
They say the absence makes the heart grow fonder but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to be away from your lover.
Today I want to talk about something that I get asked often and that’s how to survive the distance and have a strong healthy relationship.
I know firsthand that long distant relationships aren’t easy. I’ve been there before and I must say it does take commitment and dedication to keep your spark alive.
Let’s jump into my five tips for making your long-distance relationship last.
#1. Have An End Date In Mind
One of the hardest things about being away from your partner is not knowing when you’ll see each other again. Why?
Because it leaves room for the imagination to run wild and if you start doubting your relationship, it’s a tough spot to get out of.
Instead, make plans with your partner and know when you’ll see each other next, whether that means planning a visit from months down the road or seeing each other on the weekends.
Whatever the case, simply having an idea of when you’ll be together again does make the distance more doable and you’ll feel more connected.
When you are together, be sure to decide when you’ll see each other next. After all, saying goodbye is a lot easier when you already have another trip to look forward to.
Of course, this can be easier said than done, but if you’re both seriously committed to the relationship then you should be able to come up with a plan between you.
#2. Send Your Partner Reminders
It’s easy to tell your man that you love or miss him… but since actions do speak louder than words, showing him that he’s on your mind is a great way to stay connected.
And these don’t have to be grand gestures either. Sure, a surprise package or a letter in the mail is nice, but something as simple as a good morning or goodnight text also speaks volumes.
It’s these little reminders that will keep you on your man’s mind and vice versa.
#3. Make Time For One Another
This is a bit of an obvious one but setting aside some time for your partner is crucial to making your long-distance relationship last.
Sure, schedules can be conflicting especially if you’re living in different time zones, but as the saying goes “If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
To do this, talk to your partner and compare schedules to set up dates for phone or even Skype calls.
Just as you would go on dates if you were in the same town or city, keep making time for one another. If you find that things are getting stale then switch up your routine.
Instead of settling for casual calls, you could decide that every Sunday night you both enjoy a glass of wine while watching a video and chatting. Or you could play an online game together or Skype and watch a movie at the same time.
Keeping things interesting is not only a great way to pass the time but it also saves you from having the same old “I miss you” chats.
#4. Stay Positive
It’s normal to miss your man but if you let your emotions get the best of you, you’re going to start sabotaging your relationship.
If you start letting negativity seep into your relationship then slowly but surely, your man won’t be as excited to talk to you. Why?
Because no one wants to listen to someone who’s always complaining or upset. As tough as it may be, it’s crucial that you do your best to stay positive.
Yes, the waiting can be painful but you need to remind yourself that in the end it will be worth it.
One good trick to staying positive, is to be grateful all the time. Be grateful that you have someone to love and someone who loves you back.
Be thankful for the little things like the sweet text message he sends you or the daily check-ins. It can be hard to master and there’s no doubt that you will have tough days, but remember positivity will keep your relationship loving and strong.
#5. Avoid Jealousy
Just because you can’t spend time with your man, you can’t expect him to isolate himself from the rest of the world.
In fact, you should encourage him to keep busy. When he’s preoccupied it’ll give them less time to sit around missing you, which as much as it may sound romantic we’ll end up doing more harm than good.
That’s said when your man is spending time with others, it’s important that you remain supportive and don’t get jealous.
Even if his plans involve women you don’t know, trust him enough to be his own person.
If you get defensive anytime he’s around other ladies, he’ll assume it’s because you’re not being faithful when you’re around other men or the very least you’ll come across as insecure.
On the other hand, if you’re okay with it, you automatically see more trustworthy and confident, so simply put “keep your cool.”
Before I go, I wanted to remind you not to forget to watch my video below. You’ll definitely learn lots of valuable information here…
Make a Man DESPERATE for You with This Text

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